In History we give children opportunities to develop an awareness and understanding of the past and how it differs from the present. We want the children to be able to empathise with the past: understanding the people who came before them as well as the lessons we can learn from the past. Understanding of different contemporary cultures of the past can also instil a deepened respect for the different traditions that exist across the globe today.
In each year group, we investigate famous people, events and places. We start from the children’s own experiences, progressing from familiar situations such as family relationships and past events in the children’s lives, to those more distant in time and place. Chronological understanding is vital for this and so each topic opens with a lesson designed to contextualise their new topic in line with prior learning.
In Key Stage 2 children focus on specific periods in British and world history and extend their understanding about why past events occurred, the effects on the people of the time and their impact on our lives today.
History Documents |
Statement of Intent |