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At Hawkedale Primary School, we share the belief that all children have an equal right to a full and rounded education, which will enable them to achieve their full potential. We use our best endeavours to secure special educational provision for pupils for whom this is required, that is ‘additional to and different from’ that provided within the differentiated curriculum to better respond to the four areas of need identified in the Code of Practice (September 2014):

  • Communication and interaction
  • Cognition and learning
  • Social, mental and emotional health
  • Sensory/physical

We ensure that both children and parents are appropriately involved in all discussions and decisions about individual support and provision. The children’s needs are always at the heart of our provision and decision-making.

At Hawkedale Primary School we pay attention to the 4 principles of Inclusion:

  • We welcome all children regardless of race, gender, physical need or learning ability
  • We set suitable learning challenges
  • We respond to pupils' diverse learning needs
  • We aim to overcome potential barriers to learning

The children at Hawkedale Primary School are taught to help one another and respect each other's differences.

English as an Additional Language
We are delighted that our school represents a rich cultural diversity, with children that speak many different languages as well as English.

We use REMA Ethnic & Language Minority Support services where necessary which focuses on supporting identified pupils. The type and extent of intervention is negotiated and agreed to reflect the specific requirements of our school and the learning needs of our pupils


The Personalised Learning Pathway for pupils at Hawkedale Primary School

We follow a graduated approach to supporting person centred outcomes and making appropriate arrangements for pupils with SEND


  1. ONE PAGE PROFILE: All SEND pupils develop a one-page profile which outlines their strengths, aspirations and details the support they need to learn and achieve well. This will involve collecting views from parents, teachers and peers.


  1. PROVISION MAPPING: Through rigorous assessment and monitoring, some pupils will be identified as needing provision that is additional to or different from that which is provided at a Wave 1 Quality first inclusive teaching level. In consultation with parents and the pupil some more specific intervention will be planned and detailed on the class provision map. This will be reviewed on a termly basis and monitored by the school inclusion manager. In consultation with the inclusion manager and parents, identified pupils will be placed on the SEND register. Any agreed 'wave 2 and 3' provision will be detailed on the class provision map and evidence will be gathered. This will be reviewed in line with the SEND monitoring cycle. The pupil may at this stage be referred to an outside agency.


  1. EHCP: If appropriate intervention and support has taken place (including support from outside agencies) but there are still concerns about a pupil's progress and/or attainment, the inclusion manager will consult with the class teacher and parents to discuss the need to start the application process for an Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP). Evidence will be gathered and an application made. The EHCP will provide top up funding in addition to the £6,000 already funded by the school.
Downloads Date  
Local SEND Offer March 2022 29th Mar 2022 Download
SEND Information Report March 2022 29th Mar 2022 Download