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Questionnaire results – November 2022

Thank you to all the parents who returned the questionnaires. It has been very useful to analyse the feedback and I thought you would be interested in seeing the findings.

We received 86 responses from the parents (41% response)


Strongly agree


Neither agree nor disagree


Strongly disagree

Comments from parents

1.My child is happy at school   and has settled well into their new class






Since starting back in September my son has struggled to settle into the new class.

My daughter hasn’t settled hugely well into her new class, she says the work is really hard and the teachers too strict.

My child loves school

Some children take longer to settle to new routines and classes, we keep a close eye on all the children but if you still have concerns please don’t hesitate to speak to me.

2. The school ensures that my child is safe and well looked at school.






My son has shared that he has been learning about firework safety and calling 999.

Always a teacher to greet them at the gate.

More supervision in the playground as my son was hit on the head with a Frisbee

Having additional adults in the classes would help but understand the restraints.

Worry about how much supervision there is in the wood area.


The child/ adult ratio is applied in all areas of school. Unfortunately, accidents do happen now and again. We do regular health and safety checks and explain to the children the importance of safety in the playground and when using new equipment.

3. There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school






Would like more music.

More music, maybe a choir.

Is music available ?


We use the music scheme Charanga throughout the school and the children have 1 hour of music each week. When they reach KS2 the children are able to apply to Surrey Arts to have music lessons. We currently have guitar and piano lessons. We could not add more music to the timetable as we would have to reduce the teaching of other subjects.


The reading scheme is not helping my child

I am so sorry about this as we have had excellent feedback regarding the new reading scheme Little Wandle and Ofsted commented on how we prioritise reading across the school. I will look into the child’s progress and see what’s happening.


More sports for the younger years.


Unfortunately, there aren’t many opportunities in the Surrey sports timetable for events for the younger age groups. In the summer, there will be a KS2 swimming gala and cross country competition.


We are not sure of the range


We offer the complete range of subjects from English, maths, science, history, geography, RE, computing and PE, as well as music, art, design technology, PSHE and Spanish (KS2)


My daughters love telling me what they have been learning about that day.


That’s great, whenever I asked my sons what they had done at school all I ever got was I forgot!


Introducing the memorable experience days would be good


We decided to reduce the amount of trips and workshops at this present time to reflect the cost of living crisis and not overburden families.

4. Communication from the school has been regular, clear and effective.






Frustrating having to log into Arbor to read messages

Arbor is annoying

So many platforms to navigate, it gets confusing sometimes.


Last year we moved away from SIMS, Teachers to Parents, School Money and Marvellous Me as parents said that there were too many apps. Moving to Arbor meant that everything was covered under just one. The reason you have to login in each time is due to GDPR and the amount of data Arbor holds,


Annual events calendar is very good

Newsletter is good

Excellent communication from the school



5. When I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly.




(14 replied N/A as no concerns raised)



Teachers have been really prompt at replying to messages

Always someone to help me

Seesaw updates from teachers are really helpful

My concerns are always dealt with quickly


This is great news


Seesaw messages are not always responded to.

SEND issues are not always responded to or quickly enough


I am sorry to hear this and have fed it back to staff.  As stated in our new communication policy staff should respond within 5 working days.

6. The school supports my child’s personal development.






The school understands my daughter’s needs

Yes, but for some children more could be done

Yes, even despite the lack of help from Surrey

I appreciate the efforts to help my son


As Ofsted commented ‘Hawkedale pupils stand out. Their conduct and manners are impeccable. Staff care deeply about the pupils and the school feels like a family. Pupils revel in exquisite experiences that build character. They learn about inspirational people from all walks of life. Pupils recognise that they have the capacity to bring about change. They strive to make a difference.’

We were thrilled with the outstanding judgement in this area but are always striving to do better.

7. I would recommend this school to another parent.






I have already lots of times


Thank you

8. Why did you choose Hawkedale for your child?

Reputation and proximity

Staff go above and beyond

Closest school

Loved the feel of the school

Caring, friendly school

Hawkedale children always look happy

Sibling here

School embodies the best values

The staff radiate a feeling of warmth, care, support, real empathy and interest in and for the children

Best school in the area

Child centred supportive environment

Dedicated staff that strive to deliver the best education

Recommended by other parents

Good Ofsted reports

Nurturing, family focused

Great for learning and emotional needs of our child

Thank you for the great feedback

9. What does the school do well?

Holistic approach to learning

Additional opportunities for the children


Pastoral care



Makes every child feel valued


Settling the children in and establishing routines

Good communication

That it’s ok to be different

It’s hard to think what the school doesn’t do well

Staff always available

Quick to respond and deal with issues

Inclusivity of all


Thank you for the great feedback

10. What could the school do better?

Too much communication – sorry about this, can you really have too much ?

More after school clubs – we try each year to add more clubs but for a small schools it’s the space, we only have 1 hall and currently most of the classrooms have clubs going on in them too.

More physical activities – we have 2 hours of PE each week, plus break and lunch times and sensory circuits. We also have movement breaks throughout the day. If we added more we wouldn’t be able to complete all the rest of the curriculum.

Playground markings – we have looked into this and it is on the PTA wish list

More productions/assemblies – we currently have a harvest festival, nativity, carol concert, Easter service, pantomime and Year 6 leavers play. For us it is again about lack of space and time needed to complete all the curriculum subjects.

More resources for PE- we have a lot of resources for PE and are constantly updating them to ensure that we can deliver PE lessons correctly.

Aprons when painting – Every class have aprons/shirts for PE. We are always reminding the children to put them on but sometimes they forget.

More SEN teachers – I wish this too but unfortunately, budgets do not stretch that far.

Later parents evenings – this is something that we can look into

Parental guidance on safety – we regularly send out information regarding e safety. I will ensure that we keep doing this.

Packed lunches for the younger children – school lunches are free for KS1 and we have to have at least 100 lunches for the service to be viable so packed lunches will remain only an option for KS2 who have to pay for their lunches.

Nothing! – Thank you